Minutes of Suppers
The following PDF’s are minutes of the Greenloaning Burns Club suppers held on the first Friday in February since 1969, which sadly is as far as our records go back. We do note that the minute book has “MB3” embossed on the spine, so this would lead us to believe that there were two previous minute books which have been mislaid. We would also like to thank the various club secretaries over the years for diligently writing the minutes up meticulously after each supper. Thanks are also due to Billy Phillips of Burgess & Gibson of Dunblane who produces a DVD of the supper originally to enable absent friends to catch up on the suppers. However, thanks to modern forensic technologies, we have now quantifiable evidence that these DVD’s assist secretaries with short term memory loss reconstruct the minutes accordingly. It is not yet been established if the short term memory loss is as a result of the ageing process or vast quantities of drink (or both!) Needless to say a great many people have contributed to these annals of history of our wee club and to them we are eternally grateful.
Click on the year to see that years minutes.





