Greenloaning Burns Club Committee and Past Presidents


burns committee 2012



Donald Aitken

Donald Aiken
President & Hon. Treasurer
07825 193376


forbesgauldForbes Gauld 
Immediate Past President

01764 681220


alecmccollAlec McColl
Past President

01786 880231 or 07880 745292


jimdawsonJim Dawson
Past President

01786 880341


peterscottPeter Scott
Hon. Secretary

01786 880428


peter-hill-newPeter Hill
Committee Member

07802 753545


Aaron Dawson
Committee Member

07724 345317


bobrobertsonBob Robertson
Committee Member

01786 822603


The committee 2015

The committee 2015

Left to Right
Peter Hill, Harry McClelland, Bob Robertson, Forbes Gauld (President) Donald Aiken (Treasurer)
Peter Scott (Secretary), Ian Kemp (Past Treasurer), Alec McColl (Immediate Past President), Jim Dawson (Past President)


Past Presidents

As of 2015 there have been 16 Presidents of the Greenloaning Burns Club and 2 Honorary Presidents* and 2 Honorary Vice Presidents**

1889 – 1913 Thomas Stewart Greenloaning Braes
(no supper was held in 1901 as a mark of respect for the passing of Queen Victoria, who died on the 22nd January 1901, 10 days before the supper was due to be held. This was true of all Burns suppers in 1901. “A Short meeting was held in the Greenloaning Inn “Miss Anderson’s”, so as to keep in touch with its members”)

1914 – 1919 William Wedderspoon, Carsebreck, Blackford
(The annual suppers were suspended during the war years of 1914-18, but meetings were held annually in The Greenloaning Inn “Miss Anderson’s”)

1920 – 1921 S. Watson, (Secretary James Bayne, Kinbuck, Dunblane)
1921 – 1924 S. Watson, Neither Mills, Greenloaning, Braco

1925 – 1931* Col. T.G. Dawson TD, DL of Orchil
(also Cheiftain at Crieff highland Gathering, 1927)

1932 – 1936* Major C. Falconer-Stewart, MC. of Feddal Castle
(also Chieftain at Crieff Highland Gathering, 1929)

1936 – 1937 J Calder Esq., Rottearns

1938 – 1939 – William McLaren


1940 – 1947 – Sir George McLashen

Sir George McLashan

(Also Chairman of the Scottish Arts Council & Perth Theatre, amongst others – see below.)

Sir George McLashan 1Sir George McLashan 2
(There is a strong possibility that the suppers were suspended during the war years of 1939 – 45 as most other clubs in the areas followed this pattern)

1947 – 1957 – William MacFarlane
William MacFarlane’s widow left a sum of money in her will to be given as prize money for Annual Burns recital competitions in Greenloaning Primary School. (Ref.I McIntosh speech 1989 GBC supper)

1958 – 1974 Daniel J McIldowie*

Dan McIldowie

(Also President of Burns Federation 1970)


1974 – 1989 Peter I McIntosh**, Dunblane

Peter Ian McIntosh

(also President of Bridge of Allan & Dunblane Rotary Club 1989)

1989 – Lifetime Honorary Past Presidents awarded to: ~ Daniel McIldowie*, Ian McIntosh**, Alastair Stewart.**

1990 – 1999 Jim Dawson*, Beanie Farm, Braco

Jim Dawson



2000 – 2011 Alec McColl




2012 – Forbes Gauld




Ms Margaret Craig of the Robert Burns World Federation has supplied much of the above information.

She has accessed the Burns Chronicles, (An electronic copy of 1901 Burns Chronicles, can be found in the Education Section – Greenloaning Burns Club can be found on page 155) where all federated club presidents are registered, and established the records listed above. The records marked* have been ascertained from a membership card and verified by the federation. Margaret has noted that the records are not lodged in the chronicles between 1926 & 1959, which would suggest a break in the affiliation with the federation.

I would add that the research she has done so far is above and beyond the call of duty and that she did recall a similar request for the secretary of GBC – One Bobby Muir – back in 1993.

The digital recording of the 1989 supper completed the gaps presidency between 1936 &1957. Many thanks to David McLaren of Blackford Burns Club and recording this on a C90 cassette tape with a “Ghetto Blaster”!