1989 Centenary Supper

In 1989 the Club celebrated their Centenary supper at the Allanbank Hotel in Greenloaning, Perthshire. 100 people attended in the small Couthy restaurant below the main bar. (Back in 1938 this was called “The Coachman’s Bothy!)  The atmosphere was charged and somewhat smoky   (- remember this was long before the smoking ban in public places!) Jim Dawson was in the chair as President for the evening and Past Presidents Dan McIldowie and Ian McIntosh were both in attendance also. The Immortal Memory was given by Ronnie Crichton of Balerno Burns Club. The top Table picture can be seen below and in the History of the club section of the website.

Centenary Photograph

Back row (L to R) Bobby Muir, Donald Gordon, Gavin Wilson, Ronnie Crichton, Dougie Skilling, David Arnott, Ian Kemp, Willie Morrison
Front Row (L to R) Alastiar Stweart, Ian McIntosh, Daniel McIldowie, Jim Dawson, Ian Collie.

We were very fortunate on the night to have David McLaren, President and Founder of Blackford Burns Club, present and who happened to record the supper on audio tape that night. After transferring the C90 Cassette over to digital, we are pleased to have them on our site now as a valuable part of our heritage. We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we enjoyed the supper.

President Jim Dawson’s opening remarks for the supper Parts 1 & 2

Gavin Wilson’s Address to the Haggis

Ronnie Crichton’s Immortal Memory Parts 1-7

Dougie Skilling – Scots Wha’ Have

Davie Arnott – Toast to the Lassies

Dougie Skilling – My Bonnie Jean

Ian Collie – Burns Club’s the World O’er Parts 1 – 4

Jim Harrower – Holy Willies Prayer

Ian McIntosh – Toast to Greenloaning Burns Club Parts 1 & 2

Rev Tom Scott – Reply to the Toast Parts 1 & 2

Dougie Skilling – A Fond Kiss